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Family Law Archive - Page 49

Found 575 matches. Showing page 49 of 58.

Born in the USA: surrogacy law and pitfalls in the UK

The recent landmark ruling in Re A and B is another step in the right direction for surrogacy law. The case is important because it shows the English court becoming more lenient and more pragmatic in relation to the rigid statutory six-month limit commissioning parents have to apply for legal parenthood (a parental order) once their... Read More

Ancient Egyptian women negotiated their marriage contracts

As Dr Amanda Foreman has been showing in her BBC series, The Ascent of Woman, not all societies have been patriarchal - or certainly not as patriarchal as British society in the last few centuries. When it comes to marital contracts, especially prenuptial agreements, the women of Ancient Egypt were a step ahead of our times. A collection... Read More

Tennessee judge refuses divorce because of gay marriage ruling

A judge in Chattanooga, Tennessee has used the recent Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) judgment in the case of Obergefell v Hodges – more commonly known as the gay marriage ruling – as a reason to refuse a heterosexual couple a divorce. Hamilton County Chancellor Jeffrey Atherton has taken a stand against the judgment... Read More

Meddling grandparents knuckle-rapped in New York courts

Overbearing in-laws are well-documented, but a recent case in New York takes the proverbial cake. Grandparents Hershel and Ophira Gottlieb of Edison, New Jersey, found themselves on the wrong side of Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Ellen Gesmer after apparently dragging out their son’s divorce proceedings in order to influence custody... Read More

Grandparents win right to raise child

The paternal grandparents of a three year-old boy have been granted the right to raise him, despite a social worker claim that they might be too old to cope with his future behavioural problems. During the family court hearing in Bournemouth, social services pressed for the child to be adopted after his parents – a father who has... Read More

The Marriage Foundation on 'declining rates of middle-class marriage'

First went the lower income families, now it seems that the middle classes are following suit. According to new data analysis by the Marriage Foundation, the rate of middle-class couples marrying has declined sharply. The Marriage Foundation’s report, which draws on data from the Family Resources Survey and the General Household... Read More

Ashley Madison hotspots: London in 9th place

The latest news in the Ashley Madison hack scandal is that there are a lot of members in London. Well, quite a lot. It’s all relative. Naturally it’s only taken a short time for data whizzes Dadaviz to map out where the accounts originated from, and London ranks ninth in the list. It’s a fairly respectable place to be,... Read More

Overcoming gender bias in child relocation cases

In Payne v Payne, a child relocation case of 2001, the Court of Appeal held that to refuse the reasonable relocation proposals of a primary carer would likely have a detrimental effect upon the welfare of the child, which is, of course, held to be paramount. Payne v Payne has served as guidance for these cases ever since. As long as... Read More

Guide to child maintenance for unmarried parents

The most recent statistics available suggest that 40.6 percent of all births in the UK are to unmarried parents. While the law is well known for children of married couples, it is often unclear what financial remedies are available to unmarried parents, should their relationship breakdown. Here I aim to present a simple and straightforward... Read More

Parents suspected of travelling to join Isis can keep their children

President of the Family Division Sir James Munby has ruled that parents suspected of attempting to travel overseas to join Isis may keep their children… with the proviso that they wear electronic tags. Early in 2015 two families were held at airports in the UK and Turkey on suspicion of being headed to Isis strongholds. The children were removed... Read More