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Family Law Archive

Found 571 matches. Showing page 1 of 58.

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Aisha Dondo

  Aisha Dondo - Oxford Brookes University Same-Sex Parent Rights in Family Law The evolution of family law reveals a transformative journey regarding same-sex relationships. Landmark legal cases and legislative changes have played a crucial role in shaping the recognition of same-sex relationships and parenting rights. For... Read More

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Ammar Zafar

  Ammar Zafar - University or Liverpool   Artificial Intelligence Influence in Family Law: Balancing Technological Advancements with Ethical Considerations Abstract This essay examines the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in family law, highlighting its efficiency-enhancing benefits and the challenges it poses,... Read More

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Helen Ross  

Helen Ross  - University of Law, London  ANALYSING WEAKNESSES OF THE CAFCASS SYSTEM AS IDENTIFIED THROUGH THE HARM REPORT 2020 Introduction Cafcass is a public institution founded under the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000. Cafcass provides legal jurisdiction safeguarding, documenting and promoting... Read More

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Nnemdi Audrey Ozoemena

Nnemdi Audrey Ozoemena - BPP University The Dangers of Prioritising Autonomy: Thoughts on Alternative Dispute Resolution, Prenuptial Agreements and Access to Justice in UK Family Law. Family law in the UK has seen increased prioritisation of the value of autonomy in recent years. Worryingly, what appears pervasive is a... Read More

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Emma Eraso Doynova

Emma Eraso Doynova - University of Cambridge Say Yes to the Prenup – But do it properly. The law on prenuptial agreements presents a dichotomy between ‘autonomy and ‘dependence’, between the ‘independent woman’ and the ‘gold-digger’. Upon initiation of divorce proceedings, women are... Read More

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Athena Granger

Athena Granger - University of Brighton INCAPACITATED INCUBATORS? A LEGAL RESPONSE TO ANNA SMAJDOR’S THOUGHT EXPERIMENT Recent developments in the law surrounding posthumous conception are indicative of a societal movement towards an increasingly lax perspective of informed consent. The demonstrable ambiguity in... Read More

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Anisa Zina

Anisa Zina - Birbeck, University of London To What Extent does the Human Rights Act help protect Women who are at risk of, or suffering from domestic abuse at the hands of an intimate partner? Introduction According to Refuge, 25% of women in England and Wales will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime, and on... Read More

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Claire Johnson

Claire Johnson - University of Law Should conduct be removed as a factor which the court is entitled to consider when making a decision under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, section (25)(g)? Although family law solicitors spend substantial time advising their client on the law, they also spend a significant amount listening to their... Read More

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Ama Amankwah

Ama Amankwah - Lancaster University Simplifying Justice: Making Court Judgments Child-Friendly Introduction In the complex realm of family law, where a significant number of cases involve children, it is crucial for children to understand the intricacies of legal judgment. Recent data provided by CAFCASS highlights an... Read More

Vardags Family Law Essay competition 2023/24 | Nia Gabunia

Nia Gabunia - IE University, Spain Byte by Byte: Navigating Digital Assets in Family Law A Comprehensive Analysis in the Context of England and Wales Abstract Embarking on a comprehensive exploration, this analysis navigates the intricate landscape of digital assets within the realm of family law in England and... Read More
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