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Why Are More Women Than Men Single After 60?

John Oxley
Why Are More Women Than Men Single After 60?

Catherine Thomas wrote for the Huffington Post about the trend that, by the age of sixty, there are twice as many single women as men.

Catherine responded sceptically to the statistics, saying Official statistics that produce these headlines are also are not designed to keep up with the changing face of society today. They catalogue a persons status as single just because the survey is limited in how to accommodate the complex and multi-faceted relationships in todays society. Cohabitation for example for many couples involves two houses and alternating nights a week at each others homes. Just because a box has been ticked to describe someone as single is not necessarily how they would describe themselves but actually shows how statistics need to be focused on the different sorts of relationships that exist, not on who shares a household.

She added Family law of course has still has not caught up to legislate for the fall out of all relationships in society but what a good lawyer does offer is protection for old age. If a relationship has broken down good advice can make the difference between a fair and an unfair settlement.


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