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Award for Chinese-speaking family law firm

Vardags: Chinese-speaking family law firm

The Year of the Horse was welcomed in spectacular fashion last week as Vardags co-hosted an evening of Chinese celebrations at the Oxford and Cambridge club. The event – attended by numerous Chinese businesses − included a Tai Chi demonstration, a display of Chinese dancing and traditional Chinese folk singing, all interspersed with champagne and canapés.

Vardags client (and co-host of the evening) Li Quan gave a moving talk about the plight of the Chinese Tiger and spoke of her unceasing drive to pursue the charity work she began many years ago. Her programme China Tiger Revival continues to rewild these majestic yet endangered creatures.

Ayesha Vardag then gave a presentation on the services of Vardags designed explicitly for Chinese family law clients. Her speech marked formally the unveiling of Vardags Chinese language family law website which details exactly how Vardags can help with Chinese divorce in London and other Chinese family law matters.

Having successfully conducted several substantial matters with Chinese family law clients or with a significant UK-China family law element within the case, Vardags aims now to become the best Chinese divorce lawyers in London. To this end, we have recently established a variety of Chinese language services including Chinese-speaking consultants.

Ms Vardag reminisced about her first visit to Hong Kong and mainland China in the late 90s, saying, "I was so impressed by the juxtaposition of vibrant industrial energy and beautiful historic culture. I knew then that if ever such a blend came in force to the shores of the UK it would be a thrilling combination that would galvanise both our social and business spheres".

Family law issues face many expat Chinese couples in England, and UK-China divorce is a growing phenomenon. These expats need top Chinese family lawyers to assist them. With its continued expansion, Vardags intends to become the best Chinese-speaking family lawyers in the UK, and looks forward to being able to help more Chinese family law clients with their issues.