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Vardags Achieve Victory for Michelle Young

John Oxley
Vardags Achieve Victory for Michelle Young

The divorce case which has consumed legal London for around 7 years finally came to an end, with Vardags securing a victory for the wife. During the course of the lengthy proceedings, businessman Scot Young claimed that he had lost all his money in a property deal turned sour, whilst his wife fought for a multi-million pound settlement.

Following representation by Vardags at the final hearing, Michelle Young was awarded a £20million lump-sum as well as one of the largest costs awards ever made in the family courts.

Catherine Thomas, the Vardags director who represented Michelle Young, commented This case has been amongst the most complex in English divorce law history, in which a number of high profile witnesses were called, including Sir Philip Green and Richard Caring. There were 10,000 pages of court documents, 24 witnesses and assets spanning three continents, which really gives a sense of the scale and magnitude of the case. The verdict sends a strong message to those across the world seeking to hide their true wealth from their spouse – even the most intricate of financial arrangements can be exposed by specialist law firms."

The result was reported on in The Times, Family Law Week, Capital Bay, and the Daily Mail.

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