Vardags managing director Catherine Thomas spoke to Fyne Times about the differences that come with same-sex divorces.
Catherine explained that same-sex partners can have different pension rights from heterosexual couples, as well as the fact that a gay marriage cannot be divorce on the ground of adultery.
Explaining the effect of this, she said “Instead you could divorce on the basis of that extra martial relationship being “unreasonable behaviour” which has caused the marriage to breakdown irretrievably. Whether a divorce is based on adultery or unreasonable behaviour makes no difference to the financial arrangements or the arrangements for any children after the divorce.”
She also said “You don’t need to see someone who specialises in same-sex relationships but I would always recommend seeing a solicitor who specialisies in divorce. It is important to get quality advice early on to make sure you are protected and end up in the best possible situation at the end of the divorce.”
Vardags Limited is a limited company trading as Vardags, Company No 7199468, registered in England and Wales, having its registered office at 10 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7NG. Vardags is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number 535955). Its VAT number is 99 001 7230.
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