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Divorce Saloon: "Just call her the 'Diva'"

John Oxley
Divorce Saloon:

Ayesha Vardag was profiled by Divorce Saloon, the worlds first divorce newspaper, which reported on her rise to the top of family law. The magazine quoted a number of Ayeshas previous press interviews as well as asking her a few questions of their own.

Focusing on the historic victory which gave prenups legal force in the UK, Ayesha told the paper, I approached the case on the basis that the law didnt have to remain static – it could and should change for a changing society. I got deeply into the law on the subject, developed a vision and pitched it strongly.

The paper also asked how the title of Diva of Divorce came to be. Ayesha explained Easy Living magazine gave me that nickname in a feature piece and it caught on. A diva is traditionally a grand opera star – Maria Callas was the most famous diva. I accept that Im quite a flamboyant character, as well as very demanding of excellence, and I used to sing opera and still go to the opera all the time, so I absolutely love the title.

The papers questions went on to focus on the nuts and bolts of the divorce trade, explaining the mechanics of instructing a London divorce lawyer and how to manage the press during the case. She criticised the ban on no win, no fee cases in family law, saying Theres an ancient rule against lawyers being invested in the outcome of the case which still applies to family law. Its insane. It would be very good for clients to have lawyers more invested in the outcome of the case. It would make them a lot more accountable.

Finally, turning her personal life, she told the paper I love the opera, travelling and seeing the world, riding my horse with my daughter in the Hampshire countryside and hanging out watching movies with my partner and kids. I love spending time with them especially in our house in Southern Italy, which is an incredibly green and natural environment and offers a simpler way of life. I think my family are the most fun people in the world and theyre where I really get my happiness.

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