Just the ticket for the country divorce set

Domestic dramas are the norm in divorce lawyer Ayesha Vardag’s drawing room in Winchester, reports Frances Gibb
Ayesha Vardag during a meeting at the house
Ayesha Vardag during a meeting at the house

You can see the saddles hanging up at the end of the elegant passageway and almost smell the horse sweat. The shire set will certainly feel at home as they settle into a comfy sofa and gaze across the lawns — with not a box file in sight.

This is the new face of Vardags, the solicitors who are already well known as one of the top divorce lawyers in London. Regional firms usually aspire to set up London premises; this time, it’s the other way round, with Vardags establishing themselves in Winchester.

Ayesha Vardag, head of the niche practice, says: “There’s a huge amount of money and complexity of big-ticket divorce and children work in the shires and beyond. Those cases gravitate to firms