Ayesha Vardag, the ‘Diva of Divorce’, shuns maternity leave

Ayesha Vardag: £845 hourly charge
Ayesha Vardag: £845 hourly charge

Not many mothers have four children. Even fewer have their fourth baby when they are 50 and take no maternity leave.

But one of Britain’s top divorce lawyers, Ayesha Vardag, said she “didn’t take any at all” after her son, Orfeo, was born last year.

“I had five weeks with my son Jasper [now 23], I only had three weeks with my daughter Helena [now 14], and this time I didn’t have any at all. Fortunately, because Vardags is my firm, I’m able to be flexible . . . In the first few months, I’d go out and feed him or get him brought in and feed him.”

She had seven months off after the birth of son Felix, now 21, but this coincided