The court recognizes that, generally, both parents should play a full role in children’s lives. When deciding with whom a child shall live and how much time they spend with the other parent, the primary concern will be the welfare of the child.
Younger children will need to spend more time with the primary carer – the person who does the bulk of the childcare. As children get older, they will be more free to make their own decisions and the court will consider their wishes when they are old enough to articulate them. The court will always look to help parents find a way of co-parenting that works for their own circumstances, factoring in working hours and school arrangements.
Where contact is more difficult, it can take place in supervised situations or public places to ensure the children are protected. The court can also consider indirect contact like phone calls, Facetime and Skype to help build relationships between children and their parents.
Where one party wants to move abroad, the permission of the court will be needed. Again, the welfare of the child will be paramount.
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