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Glossary of divorce & family law terms
Letter F

Our glossary will help you to understand some of the key terms and phrases which might crop up in your legal case.

This guide is no replacement for top legal advice but will allow you to know more about the process and what it entails.

For leading legal advice tailored to your case, contact Vardags today.

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Family court

Courts in England and Wales that hear family law matters. These are the Family Division of the High Court; the Central Family Court, County Courts and Family Proceedings Courts.

Family law

The law relating to family matters, such as laws relating to marriage or children.

Family Law Act 1996

Statute law which under which non-molestation orders and occupation orders are granted.

Family law bar association (FLBA)

The Bar Association for barristers practising family law in England & Wales.

Family law reports

Legal reports containing full case judgments in divorce, financial and children matters.

Family procedure rules (FPR)

The rules governing the practice and procedure relating to family law.

Family Proceedings Court

The formal name for when magistrates hear family proceedings. Usually only involved in children proceedings or domestic violence injunctions.

Filing for divorce

Starting proceedings by issuing a petition at court.

Final hearing (financial)

The last hearing in financial remedy proceedings which will result in a financial settlement.

Financial dispute resolution (FDR)

Usually the second hearing in financial proceedings, where the judge gives an initial indication and parties are encourage to negotiate around it.

Firewall legislation

Legislation used in many offshore jurisdictions to prevent foreign court orders being enforceable against trusts based in those countries.

First appointment documents

A concise statement of issues, a chronology, a questionnaire setting out what further information and documents they need from the other side by way of disclosure.

First appointment hearing (FDA)

The first hearing in court before a judge. The judge will review the first appointment documents and set out directions for the progression of the case.

Foreign Judgments Act 1991

A piece of legislation regulating the enforcement of judgments in some Commonwealth countries.

Form A

An application to the court which starts the court-led process for financial remedy.

Form E

A long document in which each party sets out their assets, income and financial needs.

Form H

Costs schedule that must be filed before court hearings.

Former matrimonial home

The property in which the husband and wife lived as a married couple.

Freezing order

An order of the court typically made without notice, preventing one party from disposing of their assets.

The information on this website is intended as a guide and does not constitute legal advice. Vardags do not accept liability for any errors in the information on this website, nor any losses stemming from reliance upon the statements made herein. All articles and pages aim to reflect the legal position at time they were published, and may have been rendered obsolete by subsequent developments in the law. Should you require specialist advice, tailored to your situation, please see how Vardags can help you.


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Founder & President Ayesha Vardag Founder & President Divorce & Family
“Ayesha Vardag - Britain's top divorce lawyer.” 
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Chief Executive Officer Stephen Bence Vardags CEO
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Senior Partner - Divorce & Family David Lister
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