If you are a high-profile or high-net-worth individual, defamation can pose a serious threat to your personal and professional life. When the stakes are so high, it is vital that the issue is handled correctly.
Even when defamatory allegations emanate from an anonymous individual or online account, there are actions that can be taken to protect your reputation.
We regularly instruct private investigators and cyber experts who can work to uncover the identity of an anonymous attacker. There are also legal options available for uncovering the identity of anonymous online users. In some circumstances it is possible to obtain an order from the Court requiring that an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or website host disclose the identity of the anonymous user.
Whether you are facing defamation in the press, by an individual, harassment, blackmail, mishandling of your private data, pre-publication threats, or you wish to gain top legal advice on such matters, reach out to our leading reputation and privacy team today.
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Vardags uses the term ‘Partner’ as a professional title only, to describe a Senior Solicitor, Employee or Consultant with relevant experience, expertise and qualifications (whether legally qualified or otherwise) to merit the title. Our Partners are not partners in the legal sense. They are not liable for the debts, liabilities or obligations of Vardags Limited. Similarly, the term ’Director’ is a professional title only, to describe a non-legally qualified employee or consultant of Vardags with relevant experience, expertise and qualifications to merit the title. It does not necessarily imply that the relevant individual is a director of Vardags Limited.
A list of the directors of Vardags Limited and a list of the names of those using the title of ’Director’ and ’Partner’ together with their official status is available for inspection at Vardags’ registered office.