There is often a lot of paperwork involved in a divorce and it can seem overwhelming to think about contacting more people about the change of circumstances. However, it is very important that you make sure that you contact all the relevant organisations that need to know your marital status to make sure all processes are correctly followed.
If you are considering or going through a divorce, click below for a free initial consultation with one of our expert divorce solicitors.
As with any other relationship or family change, a divorce will affect your taxes. To avoid paying too much tax once your divorce commences you should contact HMRC as soon as possible.
If you have a joint account with your ex-spouse, you will need to contact the appropriate financial institution that holds the account to change this. The rules and procedures governing this are incumbent on whether you and your ex-spouse are joint or sole signatories to the account - more information can be found on this here.
It is important in these instances to note that any money in this account is still regarded as joint marital property and will be taken into account during the financial settlement. The same goes for any debts which exist in relation to the account, regardless of who incurred it.
For personal accounts, if your name or address changes after the divorce is complete, you should contact your bank to ensure an update of these details.
It is important to notify your employer of this change in marital status as it can impact your pension schemes and any other employment relating benefits including health care.
If you are changing your name back to your maiden name or previous surname
Whether or not you choose to change your name back to the one you used before you were married is a very personal decision. If you do, you will need to contact the Passport Office and the DVLA to change your name on your passport and driving licence. It is also important when contacting these authorities to update your address if this too has changed.
You will need to supply them with the following documents:
Your birth certificate
A signed statement detailing that you have gone back to a previous surname
A document illustrating that you are using your new name (for example, a payslip)
Your decree absolute or final order showing both names
A marriage or civil partnership certificate showing both names (you can order a copy from the General Register Office).
You will need to provide them with the following documents:
A change in personal details form (available from the website)
Your old driving licence to be replaced
Remember also to update your car’s registration certificate with your new name too.
If you move out after the divorce is finalised
If it is the case that your address has changed following finalisation of the divorce, you should update your bank, employer and any other relevant authorities who require such details with this information.
If your financial arrangements are such that you are staying at the family home and your ex-spouse is moving out, you should remember to contact your local council, as the council tax you pay is likely to change on divorce. Some local councils offer at least a 25% council tax reduction to sole occupants of a property over the age of 18, so you should contact them to find out what you are entitled to after your ex-spouse moves out.
There may also be arrangements concerning an existing mortgage on the property that have been made in your final financial order. You should contact your mortgage provider to make sure that these arrangements are implemented. The same will apply for any utilities in place, such as water, gas, electricity, TV licence and broadband, and you should contact each of the relevant providers too.
You will also need to contact your insurance provider(s) to update your address, and to let them know if you have moved any items covered under your insurance (think about any cars, or valuable items that you have taken with you following your divorce) to that address.
You must update your water, gas, electricity and broadband suppliers if the designated bill payer is changing, or if the details (address/name) of that individual have changed (this includes your television licence).
Finally, it is worth also contacting the Post Office to set up a redirection of any post sent to your old address.
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