If you feel you should have got more from your divorce, it may be possible to appeal your case. A successful appeal may well lead to a higher award or to increased maintenance.
To appeal against a financial order, you will need to show that the judge was wrong in the way the final decision was reached. As experienced family lawyers, the legal team at Vardags will help you prepare your case for appeal. We will review the initial judgment and advise you whether it is possible to appeal. The dynamic approach our lawyers take means that we are used to challenging judgments and working to change the law – we will help you put forward innovative arguments in support of your appeal.
Throughout your appeal, we will work with leading family law barristers to put forward your case and help you to get your fair share.
If you do want to appeal, it is vital that you act quickly. You may have to issue your appeal within a few weeks of the original decision being passed down. The sooner you get in contact with us, the sooner Vardags can help you.
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A list of the directors of Vardags Limited and a list of the names of those using the title of ’Director’ and ’Partner’ together with their official status is available for inspection at Vardags’ registered office.