A police caution may be awarded in the less serious sorts of criminal cases as an alternative to charge. A person who receives a police caution for an offence does not have to attend court and will therefore avoid the time, expense, and disruption of court proceedings. They will also avoid the risk of receiving a conviction for an offence.
However, whilst it is clearly a less serious sanction than a criminal conviction, it must be understood that a caution is still a serious matter in its own right. It will remain on the police national computer and should you work within a number of limited occupations you might be obliged to disclose the fact of the caution to a potential employer. Furthermore, certain countries will require an individual to disclose a caution for the purposes of travel and visa applications.
Given the complexity of the law around cautions and the potential impact on an individual’s reputation, it is essential that a person seeks legal advice before accepting one.
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