In the midst of what is undoubtedly a distressing time during Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’s divorce, they are faced with the difficult decision of either remaining in a country they no longer desire to live in or leaving their children behind. Caroline Korah, Head of Children and Partner at Vardags discussed this with The Telegraph, acknowledging the tragic nature of this situation and highlights that it is not uncommon for couples who have married across borders to disagree on where their children should be raised following a divorce .Legally if one parent wishes to move, they need the others consent to relocate their children which they typically never agree on.
Korah explains that international divorces, particularly between America and England, can be particularly challenging due to the “significant amount of travel – it’s not just packing up a weekend bag and going.” In this specific case, the children have been residing with Joe Jonas in a hotel after the couple agreed they could travel with him on tour. The court documents state, “both involved and integrated in all aspects of daily and cultural life in England.”
Sophie Turner only became aware of Joe Jonas filing for divorce through media reports days later, and she has subsequently filed a petition with the federal court in New York regarding child abduction.
Korah believes that resolving this case will be extremely difficult, “relationships-especially transatlantic ones like this – can be very complicated.” Although Korah does not have the whole background, she thinks “it’s not impossible but it is going to be a challenge for her (Turner)…from what I have read, I don’t know that she’s able to say that the UK has jurisdiction for the return application she is making.” Korah advises that others in the same situation seek legal advice.
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