Ayesha Vardag recently shared insights on why couples often split up in a recent article with The Sun. She believes there is a specific week of the year when couples are more likely to file for divorce, which is the first working Monday after the Christmas and New Year break.
Vardag also highlighted the impact of having children on marriages, suggesting that having kids can sometimes accelerate existing problems and put additional strain on the relationship.
Furthermore, Vardag mentioned that the rise in the cost of living and the stagnant housing market can trap couples with their former partners making it harder to move on.
The most common reason for divorce, according to Vardag, is that relationships naturally change over time. Couples may find that they have less in common and gradually lose the initial spark that attracted them to each other.
Importantly, Vardag emphasised that relationships can end without anyone being at fault. Sometimes marriages simply come to an end. She believes that you can have a “beautiful life” post-divorce and focus on self-development and building other relationships.
Click here to read more about Ayesha.
Click here to read the full article.
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