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Reputation & Privacy Archive

Found 42 matches. Showing page 1 of 5.

Personal privacy in an age of social media

If we think back 10 years ago, social media’s presence in our lives was vastly different.  Facebook dominated people’s perception of social media and although Instagram had been launched three years prior, Instagram had not become the global powerhouse that it currently is. Apps like TikTok were still a few years away and dating... Read More

The UK has just passed its first anti-SLAPPs law – How does it work?

The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill was given royal assent on 26 October 2023 and is now the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (the Act). Earlier this year, we explored the proposed amendments to the Act, its potential benefits and pitfalls and raised some important questions about the operation of the... Read More

New measures to crackdown on SLAPPs: transparency or muddying the waters?

The fallout of the invasion of Ukraine in 2022 continues to be felt, not least in the legal sphere. Aside from the exodus of legal firms from Russia, and firms reviewing their connections with Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the government has been vocal in its commitments to stop the use of Strategic Lawsuits Against... Read More

The Online Safety Act 2023

Current position The Online Safety Bill became the Online Safety Act (OSA) when it received royal assent earlier this month. The OSA is a comprehensive (and indeed, complex) piece of legislation, with the noble aim of creating a safer digital environment. Ofcom – the UK’s telecoms regulator – is responsible for... Read More

7 top tips to prevent unwanted journalists

Suddenly finding yourself in the media spotlight can be extremely distressing. For high profile individuals, how you manage this attention is vital. If you find yourself in such a situation, these seven tips will help you to navigate this new challenge and ensure your reputation is protected. 1. Door-stepping: Know your rights Remember,... Read More

How to spot and prevent a phishing attack

In today’s digital age, cybercrime is very much a concern both to individuals and corporations. One form of cybercrime that I have been seeing a lot of lately are phishing attempts. Indeed, around 83% of organisations were subjected to a phishing attack last year. Phishing is where scam emails, messages or calls are used by cybercriminals... Read More

Protecting victims of intimate image abuse: the Online Safety Bill

On 25 November 2022, the government confirmed its intention to implement further changes to the Online Safety Bill in an attempt to strengthen the protection offered to victims of intimate image abuse. The Government has accepted the Law Commission’s recommendations in the 2022 Intimate Image Abuse Final Report to modernise the law... Read More

SLAPPs Reform: Courts to be granted new powers to dismiss SLAPPs

In a further move to strengthen the protection of the freedom of expression, the Justice Secretary Dominic Raab announced on Wednesday a “package of measures” to address ‘Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation’, or SLAPPs. According to the government, the latest reforms are intended to “level the playing... Read More

Recent Legislative Proposals in the Media and Communications Space: Online Safety Bill

With the exponential rise of electronic communications, digital harm, and the ever-growing spotlight on free speech issues, legislative change in this space has been a recent priority for the government. Two recently introduced Bills in particular have the potential to have tangible ramifications in the media, reputation and privacy space... Read More

Proposed legislative changes in R&P: the Bill of Rights

With the exponential rise of electronic communications, digital harm, and the ever-growing spotlight on free speech issues, legislative change in this space has been a recent priority for the government. Two recently introduced Bills in particular have the potential to have tangible ramifications in the media, reputation and privacy space... Read More
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