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Law Archive - 2015 - Page 2

Found 29 matches. Showing page 2 of 3.

Angels of the North: Vardags acquires Manchester office

Vardags is spreading its wings and flying north. President Ayesha Vardag and Managing Director Catherine Thomas made their first visit to the brand new Vardags Manchester office space, right in the heart of this historic city, and took delivery of the keys on Wednesday. Of course, such an auspicious step called for a celebration, so both... Read More

Committal: a reminder on the importance of compliance

The family court has once again showed that they will be taking breaches of orders seriously and that offenders should be prepared to face rather stark consequences. The facts of W v S (Committal) EWFC B130 are simple: at the heart of the anonymised case was a Schedule 1 application. The respondent father provided a partial Form E in the course... Read More

Vardags-sponsored polo team celebrates its first outing

Vardags is sponsoring its first polo team, aiming to give women’s polo a bit of a boost. It had its first outing on Sunday 9 August – in Vardags branded kit – at the Berkshire Festival, The team played exceptionally and won 9-5.5. The new Handicap list marks the start of a new system whereby female players can retain their current handicap... Read More

Introducing Vardags Family Law News

Welcome to the view from London, aka the “divorce capital of the world.” It’s a label that provokes as much bad press as good. But the fact is, it’s a feather in our cap for family lawyers in London. It’s a testament to the English courts’ reputation for fairness, for being incorruptible, that so many people... Read More

Vardags football team make 5-a-side debut

Not content with tackling dodgeball, Vardags are branching out in the world of team sports. This time, it was the guys’ chance to shine. In a manner of speaking. Here is the match report from the Vardags football team debut last Thursday at the Simmons Gainsford 5-a-side tournament. No doubt handicapped by leaving our best players... Read More

Syon Park hosts Vardags and friends for glamorous charity opera

Vardags and friends have had the pleasure of enjoying opera in the sumptuous surroundings of Syon Park this week… all in a good cause. Children with Cancer’s annual event Opera at Syon is always a highlight of the Vardags calendar, not least because Ayesha and the firm have been active supporters of this invaluable charity for some time and... Read More

Vardags turns 10 years old in fabulous fashion

2015 sees the celebration of Vardags’ first decade. It’s come a long way from the one-woman show with a phone line and a fax machine that was Ayesha Vardag Solicitors back in 2005. To celebrate in appropriate style, the Vardags’ First Decade Party took everyone who’s been involved with the firm over the years back to where it all began: in... Read More

Managing Director Catherine Thomas discusses Sharland and Gohil hearings on BBC News

Vardags Managing Director, Catherine Thomas, dashed off to be interviewed on the 7 o’clock news on the hot topic of the Sharland and Gohil hearings that are getting underway at the Supreme Court. As the dual cases go before the highest court in the land, Catherine talked through the issues at stake, and what the outcomes could mean for... Read More

Dale Vince’s Million Pound Technicality

Ayesha Vardag spoke to UK Business Insider about the unusual case of Dale Vince, the environmentally friendly entrepreneur who has found himself facing a financial claim from the wife he divorced nearly twenty years ago. As a result of the parties failing to resolve the possible financial claims at that time, his wife has now been able to... Read More

Entrepreneurship: a solution or response to the glass ceiling?

Business Reporter reported on new statistic which showed that entrepreneurship is growing three times faster amongst women than men. The magazine postulated that the difficulties women can face in the workplace have led to more starting up their own businesses. Ayesha Vardag, who founded Vardags in 2005 and in ten years transformed it... Read More