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Law Archive - June 2015

Found 4 matches. Showing page 1 of 1.

Vardags football team make 5-a-side debut

Not content with tackling dodgeball, Vardags are branching out in the world of team sports. This time, it was the guys’ chance to shine. In a manner of speaking. Here is the match report from the Vardags football team debut last Thursday at the Simmons Gainsford 5-a-side tournament. No doubt handicapped by leaving our best players... Read More

Syon Park hosts Vardags and friends for glamorous charity opera

Vardags and friends have had the pleasure of enjoying opera in the sumptuous surroundings of Syon Park this week… all in a good cause. Children with Cancer’s annual event Opera at Syon is always a highlight of the Vardags calendar, not least because Ayesha and the firm have been active supporters of this invaluable charity for some time and... Read More

Vardags turns 10 years old in fabulous fashion

2015 sees the celebration of Vardags’ first decade. It’s come a long way from the one-woman show with a phone line and a fax machine that was Ayesha Vardag Solicitors back in 2005. To celebrate in appropriate style, the Vardags’ First Decade Party took everyone who’s been involved with the firm over the years back to where it all began: in... Read More

Managing Director Catherine Thomas discusses Sharland and Gohil hearings on BBC News

Vardags Managing Director, Catherine Thomas, dashed off to be interviewed on the 7 o’clock news on the hot topic of the Sharland and Gohil hearings that are getting underway at the Supreme Court. As the dual cases go before the highest court in the land, Catherine talked through the issues at stake, and what the outcomes could mean for... Read More