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Family Law Archive - Page 12

Found 571 matches. Showing page 12 of 58.

IVF ‘add-ons’: what’s changed and are they worth it?

A year has passed since the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) announced its investigation in May 2017 into the efficacy of ‘add-on’ treatments at UK fertility clinics. This followed widespread media coverage questioning the benefits and marketing to patients of costly ‘add-on’ treatments. What are... Read More

Report raises concerns of family courts handling of domestic violence cases

Women’s Aid and Queen Mary University of London released a report last week on domestic abuse, human rights and child contact matters in the family courts. The report raises issues of gendered stereotypes, harmful attitudes towards victims of domestic violence and mothers within the family courts, putting their and their children safety at... Read More

First prosecutions for forced marriages in the UK

Two recent high profile prosecutions have shone the spotlight on the underreported issue of young British women being forced into marriages overseas. Forced marriage has been unlawful since June 2014. However, only recently the courts in England have heard the matters where prosecutions of forced marriage have been successful including two... Read More

How blockchain might transform family law

Blockchain technology has generated a significant amount of attention since its first use in 2008, as a public ledger for the cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin. However, the potential utilisation of this technology in finance, business and even litigation is only now being recognised. What is the Blockchain? A Blockchain is a digital... Read More

Surrogacy laws set for reform

More and more families in the UK are approaching surrogacy as the only option to have children that are genetically linked to them. Before 2008, the court made fewer than 50 parental orders compared to about 300 parental orders made each year now, allowing for the children to be handed over to the parents from the birth mother. Given the rapid... Read More

Greece legalises fostering for gay couples

Greece has taken a step forward in the fight for equal rights, with the Greek parliament recently passing legislation allowing gay couples to foster children. The ban on gay couples adopting children still stands, but the new law will allow same sex couples in civil partnerships to foster children while the child is in the process of returning... Read More

Australian legal aid chairman suggests family law style mediation be used in cases of elder abuse

Legal bodies in Australia are looking into using family law style mediation to help resolve situations involving elder-abuse. Graham Hill, National Legal Aid Chairman, says the mediation model designed for use in family law cases has an 80% success rate and hopes to extend this effective measure to cases of elder abuse. The kind of cases... Read More

MPs call for grandparents' rights

MPs are calling for a change in the law to back grandparents who want to see their grandchildren after parents split up. MPs from all parties are backing an amendment to the Children’s Act 1989 which would establish a presumption that a relationship with grandparents and extended family is in the best interest of the child. Only... Read More

Times distorted coverage of Muslim foster carers, press regulator finds

In a judgment released this week, the press regulator has found that the Times distorted coverage about Muslim foster carers in a widely reported case last year. The Times ran the headline, "Christian child forced into Muslim foster care", on 28th August 2017. It concerned a child placed with two Muslim households in Tower Hamlets.... Read More

Steinfeld and Keidan crowdfund for civil partnership battle

Charles Keiden and Rebecca Steinfeld are a couple who have been together for seven years. Although they have two children and are committed to each other, they do not wish to get married. They want to commit to each other in a way that they believe "captures the essence of [their] relationship and [their] values." For them, this is... Read More
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