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Family Law Archive - 2021

Found 14 matches. Showing page 1 of 2.

The Covid Vaccination Rollout, Children and Consent

First launched in the winter of 2020, the vaccine rollout has been a particularly successful one, with over 92 million vaccinations administered to date. Such success has reached a standstill, however, when it comes to the vaccination of children: a decision which treads the sensitive balance between parental consent and the... Read More

Why the use of parental alienation is controversial

‘Parental alienation’ is a term that is becoming increasingly commonplace in private children law proceedings. however, it remains controversial.  Initially, the approach of the English courts had been ambivalent. In March 2002, Tony Hobbs JP Chartered Clinical and Counselling Psychologist wrote an article in Family Law... Read More

The Sunday Times speaks to Caroline Korah and Georgina Hamblin about the use of smart tech in child and divorce proceedings

The Sunday Times recently spoke to Caroline Korah and Georgina Hamblin about the smart home tech now used to scupper reputations and divulge secrets during divorce and child arrangement proceedings. The article, written by Social Affairs Correspondent Emily Dugan, details how these ever-smarter devices can provide video and audio evidence of... Read More

Brexit, the Lugano Convention and why millions of expats may face two divorce cases

The future of family law was not the primary consideration when the UK weighed up leaving the European Union in 2016 – but that does not mean it was not affected. Before Brexit, the UK was part of Brussels II, a crucial piece of legislation that governed which country would have jurisdiction in disputed cases. By stating that the EU... Read More

“Landmark” Domestic Abuse Bill becomes law: what does it include?

On Thursday 29th April, the Domestic Abuse Bill received royal assent, completing its passage through the Houses of Parliament into law. Described as a “landmark piece of legislation” by Lord Chancellor Robert Buckland, the bill introduces, for the first time, a legal definition of domestic abuse that aims to go beyond physical... Read More

From afterschool clubs to play dates – the subtle ways some separated parents try to obstruct contact

Attempts to obstruct contact by one parent with the child(ren)’s other parent can take many forms – it is not always as explicit as simply refusing to allow a child to see another parent where their parents are separated. Instead, obstructive parents can come up with a wide variety of excuses to reduce or restrict contact. While... Read More

Easter Holidays for Separated Parents

With the Easter break now upon us, many families will be considering a trip away.   While destinations abroad may be off limits for the time being, or at least accompanied by a mandatory quarantine period for the next few months, holidays in self-contained accommodation will be allowed from April 12. Whether in self-catering... Read More

RE H-N, Everyone’s Invited and the link between the two

The revelations which appeared on the website Everyone's Invited have shocked us all. The country's attention is now fixed on how this has happened. The number of testimonies, covering a range of both private and state schools, totals over 10,000 – a stark figure. It is clear that safeguarding and reporting measures across... Read More

Children and the Covid-19 vaccination: FAQs

Following on from the first part of our series, which focussed on the legal principles which will underpin any court’s decision regarding vaccinations for children, this article will aim to answer some of the most frequent and pressing questions related to the issue. Can my former partner prevent my child from receiving the Covid-19... Read More

Children and the Covid-19 vaccination: The Law

With the UK’s vaccine rollout progressing, questions are now being raised about the vaccination of children. While younger people are generally less severely affected by the virus, ensuring they are vaccinated is key to preventing transmission and achieving the level of herd immunity necessary to halt Covid’s spread. This is why,... Read More