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Family Law Archive - 2017 - Page 7

Found 117 matches. Showing page 7 of 12.

Oregon parents fight to regain custody of children taken from them because of their low IQ

An American couple are fighting to regain custody of their children after the state authorities removed them from their care because of the parent's "limited cognitive abilities". Amy Fabbrini, 31, and Eric Ziegler, 38 from Oregon, USA had their son Christopher taken into foster care in September 2013 following a child welfare complaint from... Read More

Cohabitation: where are we now?

The debate as to whether legal status should be afforded to cohabiting couples is one that refuses to go away. Per the Office for National Statistics, in 2016 there were 12.7 million married and civil partner families in the UK, making it by far the most common family type. However, the fastest growing family type is cohabiting couple families,... Read More

Domestic abuse allegations in 62 per cent of child contact applications, research finds

New research by Women's Aid and CAFCASS has revealed that nearly two-thirds of family court applications regarding arrangements for children feature allegations of domestic abuse. Upon examination of 216 child contact cases, chosen at random, "a complex picture of domestic abuse within family proceedings" emerged, with researchers finding that... Read More

Top family judge gives legal judgment in form of letter

Mr Justice Peter Jackson has given his decision to a High Court case heard this month in the form of a letter addressed directly to the teenage boy whose future the case concerned. The dispute concerned whether the boy should remain with his mother and stepfather in the UK or relocate to Scandinavia with his father and apply for citizenship... Read More

Recognising foreign adoptions: W v The Secretary of State for the Home Department

The recent case of W v The Secretary of State for the Home Department concerns a married couple who are Nigerian citizens lawfully resident in the UK in a temporary capacity, with the husband ('Mr W'), on a Tier 2 visa. His wife, ('Mrs W'), is entitled to be in the UK as his spouse. The couple adopted their 2 year old son (V) in Nigeria and... Read More

Has marriage lost its health benefits in the modern world?

Contrary to comprehensive research demonstrating that marriage is good for your health, a US study has revealed that modern marriages do not benefit from the same 'protective effect' enjoyed by older couples. Previously, marriage has been praised for keeping people, especially men, happy and healthy. Tying the knot has been linked to lowering... Read More

Experts' Group propose new Hague Convention on the cross-border enforcement of family law agreements

A group of legal experts met in The Hague last week in order to discuss best practices surrounding the enforcement of family law agreements in foreign states. Chaired by Professor Paul Beaumont, of the University Aberdeen, the Experts' Group on cross-border recognition and enforcement of agreements in family disputes began with the acknowledgement... Read More

A closer look at the court's role in preventing child radicalisation in A Local Authority v HB

The case In A Local Authority v HB, Mr Justice MacDonald had to decide whether the mother, who had planned to travel to Syria with the children, aged 6 and 3, was intending to expose the children to radicalisation. The father was not present or represented; it was understood that he had left the UK in 2013 and may have died in Syria. As Mr Justice... Read More

Re CB [2017]: domestic abuse case adjourned to offer father "one final, time-limited opportunity" to co-parent

Mr Justice Cobb, sitting in the Family Division of the High Court, last week adjourned the contact applications of an allegedly abusive father and the leave to remove applications of the mother. The father was ordered to refer himself for treatment to learn to manage his behaviours and demonstrate that he can effectively co-parent because the... Read More

President of the Family Division expresses his support for settlement conferences

The President of the Family Division has released a statement confirming his support for the piloting of settlement conferences for public and private law children cases. He states: “the pilot has my full support…I would like to encourage judges to consider adopting the pilot in their area”. What is a settlement conference? A settlement... Read More