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Family Law Archive - April 2017

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World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights to take place in Dublin in June

Since 1993, the World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights has convened every four years to unite influential individuals and organisations from all over the world in dialogue, with a view to enacting real systematic change. Participants have included lawyers, judges, academics, social workers and politicians, who "share a... Read More

All-male panel in Maryland fails to end policy that gives rapists parental rights

A bill that would have allowed rape survivors in Maryland to terminate their rapist's parental rights if the attack results in a child being born failed on Tuesday, the last day of the General Assembly's 2017 legislative session. The Rape Survivor Family Protection Act, introduced by state delegate Kathleen Dumais, would have... Read More

Fake views? Attorney claims controversial radio personality client is “playing a character” in child custody hearing

The controversial opinions and behaviour of Alex Jones, a far-right radio show host and conspiracy theorist from Texas, may have dire consequences for his family life, as he engages in a custody trial with ex-wife Kelly Jones. Mr Jones has been deemed a peddler of “fake news”, through his website Infowars. Last month, Mr Jones issued an... Read More
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