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Family Law Archive - 2016 - Page 13

Found 160 matches. Showing page 13 of 16.

Fiction vs family law: Kylo Ren, cults and child custody

Next to Marvel, Star Wars is one of the biggest ever film franchises, and with at least four more films in the works following the success of The Force Awakens, it may well reclaim its place at the top. Now, on the surface, neither superheroes nor Jedi would seem to have anything to say about issues of family law, but having established that’s... Read More

The post-nup blues

If you have ever regretted not getting a pre-nup, there may be a solution: the post-nuptial agreement offers the same protection of assets, but can be signed well after the wedding. However, there is a darker element to the post-nup. While pre-nups may be common, especially among couples where one partner is substantially wealthier,... Read More

FGM and forced marriage: new UK statistics

Statistics have recently been released on forced marriage reports and reported FGM cases. Forced marriage reports The Forced Marriage Unit works on the Government’s forced marriage policy, outreach and casework. In order to achieve its aims, the Forced Marriage Unit operates inside the UK and overseas. When overseas, the Unit assists British... Read More

The ethics of cross-border surrogacy

In the wake of India’s ban on surrogacy for foreigners, the ethics of cross-border surrogacy are being re-evaluated worldwide. India’s surrogacy policies have turned sharply since 2008, when proposed legislation aimed to have surrogates automatically surrender their babies. (In the UK, the birth mother is considered the legal... Read More

Marriage, divorce and millennials: ‘throw-away’ culture

Differing generations are often marked by characteristic turns of phrase. For those deemed “baby boomers”, well-trodden epithets such as ‘make do and mend’, or ‘waste not, want not’ have become a sort of identifying mark, expressing a dominant cultural idea of the time. While older generations may be... Read More

High Court allows appeal for grandmother to use dead daughter’s frozen eggs

The High Court has allowed a mother, ‘M’ and her husband to take their case regarding the use of their deceased daughter’s frozen eggs to the Court of Appeal. Background to the case In 2003, the daughter (‘AM’) was diagnosed with bowel cancer at the age of 23. In 2008, she had her eggs frozen, fearing that... Read More

Christian magistrate removed from office for his views on same-sex adoption

A Christian magistrate has been removed from office by the Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice following numerous comments on same-sex adoption. Richard Page had been a magistrate for 14 years and sat on the family panel of the Kent Central Magistrates Court. In late 2014, Page dissented in a decision on where a child should be placed,... Read More

What a difference a day makes: a closer look at the FPR

Earlier this week, I wrote on Sir James Munby’s speech to the Family Law Bar Association in which he said that the Red Book (the Family Procedure Rules) were fit only for the bonfire. This was in part inspired by an increasing number of litigants-in-person in family law proceedings. Reports published earlier this year showed... Read More

Farewell to the FPR as we know it

Sir James Munby stood before the Family Law Bar Association on 26th February and declared that the Red Book – the family procedure rules – are only fit for the bonfire against the changing landscape of family law. President of the Family Division, Sir James Munby, acknowledged the fact that the family courts will be moving away... Read More

Kesha and Dr Luke: the troubling place where family and contract law intersect

  Anyone wondering where Kesha, singer of the chart-topping Tik Tok, has been for the past few years had that question answered when her court case against producer Dr Luke blew up on social media last month. For those who haven’t been following the case, here’s a quick primer – Kesha currently has a contract with... Read More
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