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Family Law Archive - February 2016 - Page 1

Found 16 matches. Showing page 1 of 2.

Groom seeking groom: the case for gay arranged marriage in modern India

“Seeking 25-40, Well-Placed, Animal-Loving, Vegetarian GROOM… Caste no bar (Though IYER preferred)”. The matrimonial ad, posted last year by Padma Iyer in Mumbai’s Mid-Day, began like many others. In India, age, status and caste are frequent concerns for mothers who hope to find their children a good match. Arranged marriage is still... Read More

The case against leap day proposals

Leap day is traditionally a time when women can buck convention and get down on one knee instead of waiting for their boyfriend to—or so we learned from the movie Leap Year. Irish folklore is considerably less sure about the custom. As the legend goes, St. Brigid of Kildare, an Irish nun from the 5th century, begged St. Patrick to... Read More

Marriage, divorce and millennials: the impact of feminism

If social and mainstream media is to be believed, feminism is something that many more young people are engaging with than they were even ten years ago. Whether or not they identify as feminists, most millennials (those between 28 and 43[1])  seem to have an opinion on it one way or another. And, it seems, it shapes their opinion of... Read More

Tenants in common and orders for sale

You own a property with your (now ex) other half, and you own that property as tenants-in-common. You want to sell the property but the other tenant-in-common is refusing to move out and is refusing to consider selling the property – what can you do? Can I evict them from the home? No. You cannot just kick the other owner out of the house. An... Read More

The murky waters of surrogacy

Last week in London, a surrogate mother turned to the family court after a couple provided her with incorrect information about the foetus she was carrying. The surrogate was under the impression that the foetus’s biological father was the mother’s husband; in fact, the father was the wife’s new partner. The married couple... Read More

Alternative dispute resolution: arbitration

Arbitration is an out-of-court process where the parties appoint an arbitrator effectively to act as a judge and make an award. The award is agreed to be binding between the parties, subject to the family court making the award into an order. What happens during arbitration? The Institute of Family Law Arbitrators (IFLA) has produced a very... Read More

Long term partner wins half of home she shared with married man

Last week, I reported on Joy Williams’ property case in the London County Central Court. Today, it has been held that the interest in the property should belong to Joy Williams and not, Norman’s estranged wife. The background to this case is set out in my first article. By way of brief summary only, Joy and Norman were in a... Read More

Cuts to legal aid and the impact on domestic violence victims

Two years ago, cuts to legal aid resulted in the removal of legal aid in divorces unless one of the parties had been the victim of domestic violence. Some MPs have not taken a favourable view of statistics released by the Ministry of Justice showing that the number of non-molestation orders issued by the courts to protect people from harassment,... Read More

Family planning needed in Zika-afflicted areas

As the Zika virus continues to spread across the Americas, countries including Colombia, Ecuador and El Salvador are calling for women to avoid pregnancy in the foreseeable future. Though no link has yet been proven, the Zika virus correlates strongly with microcephaly, a birth defect causing incomplete brain development and unusually small... Read More

Marriage, divorce and millennials: parental influence

Even if you ascribe more to nature than nurture, the impact that our parents have on us cannot be disputed. From choice of career to more minute personality traits, parental influence is pervasive. But with marriage among millennials (those currently between 28 and 43 years old[1]) continuing to decline, does this influence extend to our views... Read More