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Family Law Archive - 2015

Found 69 matches. Showing page 1 of 7.

Fiction vs Family Law: Suffragette and the history of parental rights

Sarah Gavron’s recent film Suffragette has received mostly positive reviews, despite its inaccuracies and omissions, but not all the critics are impressed. Maud, the film’s main character, is what Gavron describes as a “composite” character, one made up of various stories about suffragettes, but who never actually... Read More

Fiction vs Family Law: The Archers and Reproductive Coercion

Issues of family law are often used in fiction to heighten drama. Who’s the father? Is she having an affair? Will there be a custody battle? However, a lot of the time what we see on the screen is very different from how things play out in reality. In this series of blogs I’m going to look at these representations of family law... Read More

Re M (An Adult): The capacity to consent to marriage

The High Court has ruled that a twenty-five year old who married in Pakistan did not have the capacity to enter into the marriage. RS married in November 2014. An application had been made to the court under the Forced Marriage Act, but before the application could be considered, the marriage took place. On 29 April 2015 Mr Justice... Read More

Baroness Hale calls for children’s voices to be heard

In a characteristically clear and colourful speech, entitled ‘Are we nearly there yet?’ the deputy president of the Supreme Court has called for the family courts to listen to children. Addressing the Association of Lawyers for Children at their annual conference in Manchester, she looked back to a speech she had given to the same group twelve... Read More

India bans foreign-financed surrogacy

Earlier this month, India imposed a ban on foreigners paying local surrogates to carry their children. Commercial surrogacy is illegal in the UK and most other Western nations, which often pushes residents to seek surrogates abroad. India has been dubbed the 'surrogacy capital of the world', boasting affordable cost, medical expertise, and a large... Read More

Technology and its pitfalls for a marriage – Part 1: Sharing Technology

‘Cloud’ computing is a general term for the use of a network of servers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data. This differs to the standard home computer set-up where access to the internet can only be gained by logging on to the local server. In layman’s terms, the cloud enables you to access services... Read More

1996 Convention employed in the UK Supreme Court for the first time

The Supreme Court has unanimously allowed the appeal of a Moroccan father whose child was brought to the UK wrongfully by his mother. In the matter of J (a child) UKSC 70 concerns a young boy, named Saleem in the judgment, whose parents are both Moroccan but with Moroccan and British citizenship. The couple lived in England with Saleem... Read More

Court of Protection access for public and media

A pilot scheme due to start in 2016 will allow the media and the public access to Court of Protection hearings. The scheme is designed to assess whether the Court should hold private hearings, and if access should be given to the media. The Court of Protection is dedicated to making decisions in respect of the personal and financial affairs of... Read More

A short history of Gretna Green marriages

'Gretna Green indeed, is as superior in reality as it is in name. It looks as if it were the capital of the God of Love'. Robert Smith Surtees, ‘The Richest Commoner in England’, New Monthly Magazine, 1848. References to Gretna Green litter high and popular culture – it appears both in Austen’s Pride and... Read More

India bans commercial surrogacy for foreigners

The Indian government has announced plans to ban commercial surrogacy for foreigners, instead making it an option only for Indian couples. If these plans are carried through, it will strike at the heart of a very profitable but controversial industry that draws in customers from all over the world. India has garnered a reputation as a leading... Read More