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Divorce Archive - 2018 - Page 1

Found 43 matches. Showing page 1 of 5.

England’s long war between the press and the courts

The British press and the courts have long had a tumultuous relationship. Between accusations of press sensationalism, courtroom cover ups, lawsuits, gagging orders and injunctions, the two institutions have often found the other at cross-purposes. It is a given that press freedom is a prerequisite for open justice, but concern about... Read More

A step by step guide to getting divorced

Please note that the following guide only applies to divorces started before 4pm on 5th April 2022. For divorces after this date, no fault divorce now applies. Often before people pick up the phone and call a divorce lawyer they will have ruminated over it for months or even years. Everyone’s journey to that point is... Read More

News sandwiching and public holiday publicity: how to time a celebrity divorce announcement

On Monday, September 26 2016 at 7:02 p.m. EST, Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts announced they were getting divorced. Just two hours later the first presidential debate was aired. News of the divorce trickled slowly out with the distracted media too engrossed in Trump and Clinton crossing horns to pay the couple any mind. It was no accident.... Read More

Corner-stone decision in the Italian Court of Cassation for spousal maintenance: a matter of principles

  The latest Italian Embassy survey estimated that more than 500,000 Italians currently live in England and Wales. It follows, therefore, that the number of divorces involving the Italian jurisdiction have risen significantly in recent years, and English lawyers are increasingly facing the alternative of filing a divorce petition in... Read More

Lawyers horrified and disappointed by Supreme Court 'loveless marriage' ruling

As Tini Owens waited to hear the country’s most senior judges hand out the judgment that could free her from her unhappy marriage, the legal world held their collective breath. Ms Owen’s highly-publicised defended divorce had presented Britain’s top court with a unique opportunity: to soften the divorce laws compelling... Read More

What’s next for English divorce law following Owens ruling

As Tini Owens waited to hear the country’s most senior judges hand out the judgment that could free her from her unhappy marriage, the legal world held their collective breath. Ms Owen’s highly-publicised defended divorce had presented Britain’s top court with a unique opportunity: to soften the divorce laws compelling... Read More

Prenups: What are they and why get one?

Prenups, in the popular imagination, are something belonging to the realm of celebrity; associated with movie stars, or wealthy Americans. What people often don’t realise is that prenups, under different names, are standard practice elsewhere in Europe and have been legally enforceable in the UK since 2010. Prenuptial agreements... Read More

Mills v Mills: Supreme Court finds ex-husband shouldn't have to bail out former wife who mismanaged finances

The years of extensive litigation over the wife’s case for increase in spousal maintenance and husband’s case in the reduction of the same in the case of Mills v Mills over the battle as to whether the wife’s poor financial decisions over a property resulting in the increase of her needs as she ends up residing in a rented... Read More

Courts announce crackdown on 'parental alienation'

Parents could have access to their children restricted if they try to turn them against their child’s other parent, under a trial process about to be rolled out by Cafcass, the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service. Cafcass are developing the new framework as a result of a rise in cases of ‘parental... Read More

Can the family court enforce charging orders over property? VS v RE [2018] EWFC 30

The recent case of VS v RE reviews the enforcement of charging orders over the property as to which court is the appropriate forum to enforce such order, following Munby P’s guidance on Jurisdiction of the of 28 February 2018. The case before Justice Mostyn was somewhat of a surprise, having noticed that the enforcement proceedings... Read More