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Divorce Archive - 2016 - Page 6

Found 195 matches. Showing page 6 of 20.

Divorce Saloon: "Just call her the 'Diva'"

Ayesha Vardag was profiled by Divorce Saloon, the world’s first divorce newspaper, which reported on her rise to the top of family law. The magazine quoted a number of Ayesha’s previous press interviews as well as asking her a few questions of their own. Focusing on the historic victory which gave prenups legal force in the UK, Ayesha... Read More

Top divorce lawyer weds at Winchester Cathedral

The Hampshire Chronicle recorded the wedding of Ayesha Vardag at Winchester Cathedral. The paper reported: “A small crowd braved last Saturday’s rain showers to watch wealthy divorce lawyer Ayesha Vardag leave Cathedral having just tied the knot for the second time. With brollies at the ready, they were rewarded by a possession of a... Read More

Yasmin Prest seeks to enforce maintenance areas

The Independent reported that Michael Prest had received a four-week suspended prison sentence following his failure to pay £360,000 in maintenance to his former. wife. This decision followed the high-profile Supreme Court battle, in which Mr Prest sought to hide his assets behind corporate structures. The High Court ruled that Mr... Read More

Ending a same-sex marriage

Vardags managing director Catherine Thomas spoke to Fyne Times about the differences that come with same-sex divorces. Catherine explained that same-sex partners can have different pension rights from heterosexual couples, as well as the fact that a gay marriage cannot be divorce on the ground of adultery. Explaining the effect of this,... Read More

London’s Leading Role in Global Divorce

Ayesha Vardag, Vardags’ founder and president wrote for The London Economic about London’s pre-eminence in the international divorce market. Though often used to criticise the country’s divorce laws, Ayesha explained how the sobriquet actually reflects England’s fairness. As Ayesha pointed out, on reason for the... Read More

Ayesha Vardag on Scottish and English Divorce Law

Following the Scottish vote to remain part of the United Kingdom, Ayesha Vardag explained the differences which remain between English and Scottish divorce law. She remarked that “when it comes to divorce the highlands can be a far frostier climate than balmy England.” Ayesha highlighted the procedural differences between the two... Read More

How to help your start-up survive divorce

Vardags’ finance director and in house financial expert shared his tips for start-up entrepreneurs facing divorce with Elite Business. Speaking from his experience working with top businessmen and women at Vardags, Stephen said “The classic entrepreneur works extraordinarily hard and often does that in quite anti-social ways, whether... Read More

Christmas Divorces - What happens to the presents?

As the magazine anticipated the famous festive flurry of divorces, Vardags’ president Ayesha Vardag wrote for SLOAN! Magazine about the interesting question of what happens to the Christmas gifts when couples separate. Ayesha commented “Spiteful aggrieved husbands can often dig in their heels when it comes to settlement,... Read More

How I survived my first Christmas after divorce

Writing in the run up to Christmas, Ayesha shared with the Daily Telegraph her memories of her own divorce and her reflections on the impact it can have on the holiday period. Reflecting on that Christmas, she said “Tom Jones and Cerys Matthews were singing But Baby It’s Cold Outside and in the video I was dancing in my pyjamas... Read More

Following the latest hearing in the divorce of former Miss Malaysia Pauline Chai from her entrepreneur husband Khoo Kay Peng, The Washington Post reported on London’s position as the ‘divorce capital of the world’ and the large settlements which the court can order. The article explained how England’s position on... Read More
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