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Divorce Archive - October 2016

Found 11 matches. Showing page 1 of 2.

Islamic porch-step divorce ruled bogus by Australian court

The Sydney Family Court has ruled against an Islamic divorce made on a front porch which awarded the wife only 10 percent of the husband’s $1 million in assets. The couple, known as Mr Ahmed and Ms Basra in the court documents, married in an Islamic ceremony in Australia in 1997 when Ms Basra was 18. They remarried in Lebanon the same... Read More

Matrimonial mansion must be split by brick wall following owners' divorce, court rules

A Russian divorce court appears to have take the notion of 50/50 division of assets on divorce rather literally - ordering a wealthy couple to build a brick wall to split their matrimonial home in two. Ms Margarita Tsvitnenko, a former accountant, shared a £2 million mansion located in the affluent Moscow suburb of Rublyovka with her... Read More

The end of talaq in India? Supreme Court could declare practice unconstitutional

Update 22/08/2017: India's Supreme court has ruled that the practice of triple talaq is unconstitutional.India's Supreme Court could be on the brink of abolishing talaq, on the grounds that this method of divorce undermines the promise of gender equality enshrined in the country's constitution. The Islamic practice of talaq-ul-bidat,... Read More

Vardags' client secures England's largest ever Part III award

On 12 October 2016 Nicholas Cusworth QC, sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge, awarded a wife over £63 million, in what is thought to be the largest lump sum ever against a spouse after a foreign divorce. Vardags is proud to have represented the wife, Sareh Al-Baker, with Managing Director Catherine Thomas leading the case alongside... Read More

Denying sex is grounds for divorce says Delhi High Court

Denying sex to husband for a long time without any justification amounts to mental cruelty and is a ground for divorce, Delhi High Court said on Wednesday. The court announced its verdict on a petition by a man seeking a divorce whose wife had not permitted him sexual relations in four and a half years. The high court granted him a decree of... Read More

Britain’s biggest divorce? Owner of The Ivy ends 40-year marriage

The marriage of restaurant tycoon Richard Caring, who owns a string of London restaurants including The Ivy, Le Caprice and Sexy Fish, is said to be over. It has been reported that he has moved out of the North London home he shares with his wife, and former model, Jacqui Caring. The couple met in the 1970s at a fashion show Jacqui was... Read More

Literary legal advice: Karenin v Karenina

Divorce has been a useful motif for countless authors, allowing them to examine not only the intricacies of difficult relationships, but also the social and legal ramifications. Nineteenth century authors in particular used divorce to highlight the plight of women who were trapped by social conventions which repudiated divorce and legal... Read More

Cheaper weddings lower the risk of divorce, study finds

You may wish to call and cancel that life-sized ice statue of yourself and your fiancée—a study from Emory University found that people who have expensive weddings are more likely to get divorced. The study, aptly titled, “‘A Diamond is Forever’ and Other Fairy Tales,” surveyed over 3,000 married persons... Read More

House of Commons reviews no-fault divorce

The House of Commons Library has published a research briefing paper which considers the current basis for divorce and arguments for and against the introduction of no-fault divorce in England & Wales. At present, the only ground for divorce is that the marriage has ‘irretrievably broken down’. The court cannot hold that the... Read More

Judge sets aside financial order made 20 years after divorce

In the recently reported case Waudby v Aldhouse EWFC B63, HHJ Rogers has set aside an order for financial relief made twenty years after the parties divorced. At trial, Deputy District Judge Shedden made an order in favour of the applicant wife which incorporated a lump sum of £10,000 and a joint lives periodical payments order of... Read More