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Divorce Archive - 2015 - Page 7

Found 84 matches. Showing page 7 of 9.

Serving divorce papers via Facebook

In New York, Supreme Court Justice Matthew Cooper has made a landmark ruling in American divorce law. The ruling, in the case of Baidoo v Blood-Dzraku, permitted Ms Baidoo to serve divorce papers on her husband solely by the use of Facebook. Whilst this may sound extreme, the reality was that Ms Baidoo had been attempting to serve divorce papers... Read More

Divorce and Health: Broken hearts can cause real heart damage

Research from the prestigious Duke University in North Carolina offers some pause for thought. According to a team at the university’s medical centre, both men and women who divorce are more likely to suffer a heart attack than their non-divorced counterparts. More specifically, divorced women are at a seriously increased risk,... Read More

Litigation funding: an introduction

In the high net worth sector of matrimonial finance, the numbers are big. With a complex financial claim, the work required of divorce lawyers – not to mention the finance experts and valuers – is huge. But cashflow can always be a problem. Getting the money upfront to fund a case that involves unravelling vast financial chicanery, with assets... Read More

The Casanova and the "calamity": celebrity blended families and media judgement

It’s frequently remarked upon that the modern family is a complicated beast. No wonder: as divorce loses its stigma and becomes more common, families breakup and they reform, giving rise to new step relationships and blended families. And, as new family structures have become more commonplace, they naturally become easier to comprehend. However,... Read More

Capital gains tax and divorce

Financially-astute couples should be looking to the start of the new tax year on 6th April to announce their separation and consult the divorce lawyers. Why? To minimise the tax implications upon separation, particularly capital gains tax. What is capital gains tax (CGT)? CGT is a tax on capital gains, the profit realised on the sale of... Read More

Divorce makes you poorer

It is an unfortunate time to be an ex-wife in the British media. First it was the hotly anticipated decision in Wyatt v Vince in the Supreme Court where (if one were to believe press reports) the ex-husband of the money-grubbing Ms Wyatt will be taken for his millions by his ex-wife of three decades. That was followed shortly afterwards by the... Read More

Pensions and divorce

The pension is often one of the largest assets in a divorce. It will make up part of the asset schedule once divorce proceedings have been instigated. After the surprise overhaul to pensions announced in the Budget 2014, both family and pension lawyers kept a very open ear to the announcements which may affect their clients. So, what are the... Read More

French dating site sued for inciting infidelity

French dating website Gleedon is being sued for allegedly inciting infidelity among its users. The dating site, which does indeed openly aim its services at married people, has incurred the wrath of the Association of Catholic Families (ACF), who are less than pleased with what it sees as Gleedon’s shameless attempts to undermine the... Read More

Law Commission consultation on enforcing financial orders

The Law Commission has published a consultation paper to explore how best to enforce family financial orders. Family courts have the power to make financial orders for the benefit of a spouse on the breakdown of marriage or civil partnership; sometimes also they’re made for the benefit of children. Very often they’ll be made when the parties... Read More

Wyatt v Vince: Supreme Court allows former wife's appeal

It’s a case that has transfixed the media over the course of proceedings, and now the Supreme Court has allowed the former wife Kathleen Wyatt’s appeal in Wyatt v Vince UKSC 15. The appeal is granted in respect of certain points of the Family Procedure Rules and overturns the Court of Appeal’s decision to strike out Ms... Read More
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